Advanced Mask Making $250.00
A 6 week Mask Making Workshop comprised of plaster setting, sanding, setting design work and decorative finishes. Other items such as polymors to protect the mask may or may not be included.
Each we...
Creative Person's Dream $250.00
A 6 week webinar with Art Leadership Consultant/Coach that will faciliate your journey to discovery!
Have you had a dream to do something? Be somewhere? This is the time to explore how to saddle tha...
Fine Arts & Design Courses $250.00
Each course is comprised of 6 weeks. You will arrive in the studio once a week for three hours to develop your artistic style. The course includes instruction, and a complimentary 30 Minute 'Art Lead...
Native Studio Art Small Art Forms $27.00 (80 min)
Native Traditional Art Forms:
Each mini art form consists of a 80 minute time block and comes with a historical overview of its use by Aboriginal peoples in Canada. Each lesson is
packaged and deliv...
Traditional Native Studio Arts Courses $250.00
Native Traditional artforms such as:
Beading - learn how to create your own beaded loom work. This course will enable you to create a pattern, choose your beads and string the loom. Discover what i...
Communication Webinar
Join our 6 week webinar. The goal is to go from too much talking to connecting. Most people don't lead their life,
they accept it, hoping someone makes their day. You have to be thinking about how yo...
Good Leaders Ask Great Questions Webinar $250.00
A 6 week webinar that meets once a week for about 90 minutes.
Increase your knowledge first by learning what good question will do to empower you. Do you
remember seeing someone at a workshop, or ...
How to Be a REAL Success $250.00
Over a 6 week, 90 minute per week webinar you will learn how to be intentional in your life both privately and professionally- by
working on your purpose and having a solid plan. Being intentional is...
Arts Leadership Coaching $call
Meet with me via Skype or in my virtual office for 1 hour each week for a month. Together we will explore ways you can increase your artistic creativity, explore markets and become a success in build...